Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am leaping -- I am closing my eyes tightly and jumping in. It's a little scary -- like going off the high dive at the local pool. I hope I don't do a belly flop or flail my arms wildly like a crazy person while I fall.

I welcome the friends and family whom I will invite to my blog, but I also welcome strangers who might happen upon my blog.

I wish I could guarantee that I will be any good at blogging, but I can't. I don't know if anything I write will be even remotely interesting to anyone else, but regardless, it will be good for me to write. Sometimes I need to examine the stuff in my head, and getting it down in black and white might help me process the experiences of this life. (In the vein of that question about the tree falling in the forest, if someone writes a blog and no one reads it, does it count? My hope is that it does, because maybe no one will read this.)

I diligently kept a journal throughout junior high, high school, and college. For some reason, however, my journal keeping became erratic after I graduated from college and got married. I regret this, but I am also determined to resume that wonderful habit. This blog will serve as a journal of sorts.

So, if you are reading this, welcome to my blog. I hope you will feel comfortable (and not too terribly bored) here. And please come back and visit.

Now what?

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