Monday, May 18, 2009


You know when you write something on your blog, and you intend for it to sound tongue-in-cheek, but then you reread it later and realize that it just sounds bitter? I hate it when that happens.

And then I delete the evidence of my error. :-)


Emily Ruth said...

crap. i didn't get here quick enough. i wanna hear. pick me! pick me!

Luisa said...

You crack me up, Emily.

On Wednesdays, I pick Jack up from school in City A. Then we drive to City B to pick Parker up from his school. Then we drive to City C for piano lessons. Then we drive back to City B for Scouts. Then we drive home to City A. Last Wednesday, after 5 hours in the car, I decided that maybe the "stay-at-home mom" label is a little bit misleading. I have chauffeuring duties every day, but on Wednesdays I am all over the map (and far, far from home).

In the post I deleted, I was kind of joking about all the driving I do and questioning my "stay-at-home mom" status. After rereading it, I thought maybe it sounded a little grumpy, like I was complaining about all the driving I do. That's why I deleted it. This isn't

Natalie said...

I thought it was actually funny and so true. =)