Sunday, April 12, 2009


Four years ago, I was in the throes of pregnancy and morning sickness. On the day after Easter, I was not feeling well enough to plan a lesson for our Family Home Evening, so I pulled out the Lamb of God DVD for us to watch. (This is a short film that depicts the last week of the Savior's life.) I figured we could watch it and then discuss Christ's atonement and resurrection.

I had no idea how much that film would impact Parker and Jack, who were 8 1/2 and 5 at the time. They had so many questions -- questions about Judas, questions about Pilate, questions about the Roman soldiers, questions about why "the bad guys were doing those mean things to Jesus." Certain parts of the film were difficult to watch. I explained to Parker and Jack that because Jesus was the Son of God, He could have stopped the people from hurting Him at any time. He could have called down legions of angels from His Father to stop those things from happening, but He didn't (Matthew 26:53). He willingly laid down His life as a sacrifice for sin. The boys expressed amazement that Jesus allowed others to beat Him and nail Him to a cross when He had the power to stop them.

The Friday morning after we watched that DVD, Jack came into my bedroom. (I hadn't gotten out of bed yet that morning -- morning sickness had gotten the best of me.) He said, "Mom, I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think I know why Jesus let the bad guys hurt Him." I realized that he had been thinking about this for three days, so I was curious to hear what conclusions he had drawn. I asked, "Well, why do you think Jesus let the 'bad guys' hurt Him?" His answer: "Because Jesus loved the bad guys."

My then five-year-old son taught me a sermon with that short sentence.

I think that each of us, at times, feels like a "bad guy." How grateful I am that I have a Savior who loves me and who, if I turn to Him, will save me from myself.

Isaiah Chapter 53
4 ¶ Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Happy Easter.

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