Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Parker was invited to go to the beach with his friend, AJ, for Spring Break. AJ's mom (my friend, Amanda) took the boys for surf lessons.

Parker, too cool for school.

Parker, headed to shore.

Seriously, how did he learn to surf so fast?

Parker and AJ.

Boys with their boards.

I think my kid looks cool surfing. I am going to take surf lessons this summer, but I'm not sure that I'll look as cool on a surfboard as Parker does. I might be a surf spaz, but I'm going to try anyway.


Emily Ruth said...

These photos ROCK! And so do your boys: ) Tell them i luv 'em and want to squeeze them. Also that i expect them to pass on their sweet surf skills to Mo.

Jessica Waters said...

I love those pics! You rock Parker!